Dr. Juma Mukhwana
Principal Secretary, State Dept. for Industry at Ministry of Trade and Industry Kenya
Dr Mukhwana serves as a Principal Secretary of the State Dept. for Industry at the Ministry of Trade and Indsutry. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Regional Universities Forum in Agriculture (an Association of 113 Agricultural Universities in Africa) RUFORUM, based in Kampala, Uganda, the African Qualifications Verification network (AQVN), Co-chair of the Kenya Dual TVET Training Network (modelled on the Germany System) and member of the Competence Based Education and Training (CBET) Coordinating Committee in Kenya . He is a recipient of the Norman Borlaug Award for Leadership in Agriculture (2009) and Head of State Commendation ((HSC) by the President of Kenya (2005) both for his pioneering role in Improving smallholder farmer productivity, Marketing and Incomes in Africa.